Examples excluded from WASM¶
Some examples do not implement a live preview feature in WebAssembly. There are the reasons:
No render¶
A lot of examples are here to show pipelines, algorithms, or utils that does not always have a render (or whose render is not important), so we chose not to display a live preview of those that would only show you text.
Incompatible dependencies¶
Some examples use external dependencies that either could not be built in WebAssembly (Qt) or are not Open Source (RenderMan).
Some VTK modules aren't WASM-compatible or not fully working, like RenderingContextOpenGL2 or RenderingGL2PSOpenGL2. Those can break some examples that are then removed from VTK-Examples-WASM:
Plotting/ChartMatrix, ChartOn3DScene, Diagram, MultiplePlots, ScatterPlot, SurfacePlot
Irrelevant features¶
A few examples use features that aren't relevant with WebAssembly usage (FullScreen, OpenVR).
There are examples which are just here to show different arguments for the same code (Rotations{A,B,C,D}, WalkCow{A,B}...). Those are also removed for practical reasons.
Technical considerations¶
In order to improve build times, stability and bandwidth, vtk-examples-wasm does not use Boost Library features even though it is provided by Emscripten Ports. This forces us to remove a few examples:
Graphs/AdjacentVertexIterator, BoostBreadthFirstSearchTree
Second issue: VTK is initially writen for OpenGL2. As VTK-WASM uses WebGL2 (OpenGL ES3), a lot of features need to be rewritten to comply with WebGL standards. It takes a lot of time, and a few examples will have to wait to be fully integrated:
Shaders/BozoShader, BozoShaderDemo, CubeMap, MarbleShader, MarbleShaderDemo, SpatterShader
At last, the fact that WebAssembly runs within the browser implies that resources are limited for the programs. We cannot give too much memory or workload to a single-threaded program running inside a browser tab.
Meshes/SubdivisionDemo requires ~1GB of memory to run a sufficient number of passes
Visualization/FroggieSurface needs to allocate a single array of 2GB.
Full list of excluded/unstable examples:¶
- AnimateActors: No animation
- VisualizeKDTree: Works but error: Built-in Dual Depth Peeling is not supported on ES3
- CreateESGrid: ESGrid isn't rendered
- ReadCML: vtkShaderProgram: Links failed: Varying
has static-use in the frag shader, but is undeclared in the vert shader
- ImageDataGeometryFilter, ImageNormalize, ImageWeightedSum: no error but render inaccurate with the screenshot
BackgroundImage: Background render broken
CombineImages: Error: GLctx is undefined
CombiningRGBChannels, ImageContinuousDilate3D, ImageContinuousErode3D, ImageCorrelation, ImageDifference, ImageMapper, ImageSobel2D, ImageText, ResizeImage: no error but render inaccurate with the screenshot
RGBToYIQ: error YIQ color space requires negative numbers
- DelimitedTextReader: uncaught exception
- UserEvent: does not compile: vtkTestFilter.h file not found
- Light, LightActor: No render of lights
- MedicalDemo4: vtkTextureObject: failed to determine texture parameters
- PointInterpolator: uncaught exception 1584136
Delaunay3DDemo: no slider
MarchingCubes: no error but render inaccurate with the screenshot
- HighlightSelectedPoints: selection is "all or nothing", unable to select a portion of the points
ChartMatrix, ChartOn3DScene, MultiplePlots, ScatterPlot: points size too small
Diagram: default view shows only half the image, full tab images works well
PlotLine3D, SurfacePlot: Shader does not compile: Uniform
is not linkable between attached shaders
CompareExtractSurface, PoissonExtractSurface: does not compile: vtkPoissonReconstruction.h file not found
ExtractEnclosedPoints: works but error in console: vtkMultiThreader unable to create a thread
PowercrustExtractSurface: does not compile: vtkPowerCrustSurfaceReconstruction.h file not found
ExternalContour: no render of the left element
HighlightBadCells: doesn't highlight
OutlineGlowPass: No outline
PBR_HDR_Environment: No mipmap generation
- BozoShader, BozoShaderDemo, CubeMap, MarbleShader, MarbleShaderDemo, SpatterShader: could not compile vtkShaderProgram
- BlankPoint: result unaccurate with screenshot
- AnimateVectors: Animation not working
- RenderScalarToFloatBuffer: warning: readPixels: Format and type RED/FLOAT incompatible with this RGBA32F attachment
ChooseTextColorDemo: no text shown
CorrectlyRenderTranslucentGeometry: works but Error: Built in Dual Depth Peeling is not supported on ES3
EdgePoints: doesn't show the model
ExtrudePolyDataAlongLine: does not compile: vtkFrenetSerretFrame.h not found
FroggieSurface: WebGL2RenderingContext.bufferData: Argument 2 can't be an ArrayBuffer or an ArrayBufferView larger than 2 GB
RandomProbe: Error: indirect call to null
LabeledMesh: Labels display at random positions
TextureMapImageData: no texture
FixedPointVolumeRayCastMapperCT, MinIntensityRendering, SimpleRayCast: Failed to determine texture parameters
RayCastIsosurface: shader failed to compile
CameraOrientationWidget: Widget not showing
SeedWidgetImage: image rendering broken