Repository source: Hanoi
This is three-dimensional implementation of the Towers of Hanoi.
Here we visualize the operation of the recursive Towers of Hanoi puzzle. In this puzzle there are three pegs. In the initial position there are one or more disks(or pucks) of varying diameter on the pegs. The disks are sorted according to disk diameter, so that the largest disk is on the bottom, followed by the next largest, and so on. The goal of the puzzle is to move the disks from one peg to another, moving the disks one at a time, and never placing a larger disk on top of a smaller disk.
Here we first set up the scene with the table, pegs and pucks. Then we use a function called Hanoi()
to begin the recursion. A second function MovePuck()
moves the puck from one peg to another.
To give a pleasing visual effect we move the disk in small, user-specified increments, flipping the disc over as it moves from one peg to the next. Option -s
controls the user-defined increments. The option -c 2
freezes a disk in mid air moving from one peg to another.
See Figure 12-20c in Chapter 12 the VTK Textbook.
If you have a question about this example, please use the VTK Discourse Forum
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Translated from Hanoi.cxx.
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
import vtkmodules.vtkInteractionStyle
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
import vtkmodules.vtkRenderingOpenGL2
from vtkmodules.vtkCommonColor import vtkNamedColors
from vtkmodules.vtkCommonCore import vtkMinimalStandardRandomSequence
from vtkmodules.vtkFiltersSources import (
from vtkmodules.vtkIOImage import (
from vtkmodules.vtkRenderingCore import (
def get_program_parameters():
import argparse
description = 'Towers of Hanoi. .'
epilogue = '''
Where: -p specifies the number of pucks.
-s specifies the number of steps (the speed of the simulation).
-r specifies the puck resolution (number of sides).
-c specifies configuration.
0 final configuration.
1 initial configuration.
2 intermediate configuration.
3 final configuration and save images
Defaults: -p 5 -s 5 -r 48 -c 0
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, epilog=epilogue,
parser.add_argument('--number_of_pucks', '-p', default=5, type=int, nargs='?',
help='The number of pucks.')
parser.add_argument('--number_of_steps', '-s', default=5, type=int, nargs='?',
help='The number of steps (the speed of the simulation).')
parser.add_argument('--puck_resolution', '-r', default=48, type=int, nargs='?',
help='The puck resolution (number of sides).')
parser.add_argument('--configuration', '-c', default=0, type=int, nargs='?',
help='The configuration.')
args = parser.parse_args()
return args.number_of_pucks, args.number_of_steps, args.puck_resolution, args.configuration
class GV:
Used to store global variables.
def __init__(self, number_of_pucks=5, number_of_steps=5, puck_resolution=48, configuration=0):
self.number_of_pucks = number_of_pucks
self.number_of_steps = number_of_steps
self.puck_resolution = puck_resolution
self.configuration = configuration
self.got_figure2 = False # Used to bail out of recursion if configuration == 2.
self.puck_height = 1.0 # Puck height.
self.peg_height = 1.1 * self.number_of_pucks * self.puck_height # Peg height.
self.peg_radius = 0.5 # Peg radius.
self.r_min = 4.0 * self.peg_radius # The minimum allowable radius of disks.
self.r_max = 12.0 * self.peg_radius # The maximum allowable radius of disks
self.distance_between_pegs = 1.1 * 1.25 * self.r_max # The distance between the pegs.
self.number_of_moves = 0
def update(self, number_of_pucks, number_of_steps, puck_resolution, configuration):
self.number_of_pucks = number_of_pucks
self.number_of_steps = number_of_steps
self.puck_resolution = puck_resolution
self.configuration = configuration
self.peg_height = 1.1 * self.number_of_pucks * self.puck_height # Peg height.
# Globals
gv = GV()
ren_win = vtkRenderWindow(size=(1200, 750), window_name='Hanoi')
For peg_stack we use a list of lists where the sublist correspond to the
source, target and helper pegs.
Python lists can be used as a stack since they have append() (corresponding
to push()) and pop().
peg_stack = [[vtkActor], [vtkActor], [vtkActor]]
def hanoi():
colors = vtkNamedColors()
# Create the renderer and render window interactor.
ren = vtkRenderer(background=colors.GetColor3d('PapayaWhip'))
iren = vtkRenderWindowInteractor()
iren.render_window = ren_win
camera = vtkCamera()
camera.position = (41.0433, 27.9637, 30.442)
camera.focal_point = (11.5603, -1.51931, 0.95899)
camera.clipping_range = (18.9599, 91.6042)
camera.view_up = (0, 1, 0)
# Create the geometry for the table, pegs, and pucks.
peg_geometry = vtkCylinderSource(resolution=8)
peg_mapper = vtkPolyDataMapper()
peg_geometry >> peg_mapper
puck_geometry = vtkCylinderSource(resolution=gv.puck_resolution)
puck_mapper = vtkPolyDataMapper()
puck_geometry >> puck_mapper
table_top_geometry = vtkPlaneSource(resolution=(10, 10))
table_mapper = vtkPolyDataMapper()
table_top_geometry >> table_mapper
# Create the actors: table_top, pegs, and pucks
# The table
table_top = vtkActor(mapper=table_mapper)
# table_top.property.color = (0.9569, 0.6431, 0.3765)
table_top.property.color = colors.GetColor3d('SaddleBrown')
table_top.AddPosition(gv.distance_between_pegs, 0, 0)
table_top.scale = (4 * gv.distance_between_pegs, 2 * gv.distance_between_pegs, 3 * gv.distance_between_pegs)
# The pegs (using cylinder geometry). Note that the pegs have to translated
# in the y-direction because the cylinder is centered about the origin.
gv.peg_height = 1.1 * gv.number_of_pucks * gv.puck_height
for i in range(0, 3):
peg = vtkActor(mapper=peg_mapper)
peg.property.color = colors.GetColor3d('Lavender')
peg.AddPosition(i * gv.distance_between_pegs, gv.peg_height / 2, 0)
peg.scale = (1, gv.peg_height, 1)
# The pucks (using cylinder geometry). Always loaded on peg# 0.
random_sequence = vtkMinimalStandardRandomSequence()
for i in range(0, gv.number_of_pucks):
puck_actor: vtkActor = vtkActor(mapper=puck_mapper)
color = [0, 0, 0]
for j in range(0, 3):
color[j] = random_sequence.GetValue()
puck_actor.property.color = color
puck_actor.AddPosition(0, i * gv.puck_height + gv.puck_height / 2, 0)
scale = gv.r_max - i * (gv.r_max - gv.r_min) / (gv.number_of_pucks - 1)
puck_actor.scale = (scale, 1, scale)
# Reset the camera to view all actors.
if gv.configuration == 3:
write_image('hanoi0.png', ren_win, rgba=False)
if gv.configuration != 1:
# Begin recursion.
tower_of_hanoi(gv.number_of_pucks - 1, 0, 2, 1)
tower_of_hanoi(1, 0, 1, 2)
if not gv.got_figure2:
tower_of_hanoi(gv.number_of_pucks - 1, 2, 1, 0)
if gv.configuration == 3:
write_image('hanoi2.png', ren_win, rgba=False)
# Report output.
s = 'Number of moves: {:d}\nPolygons rendered each frame: {:d}\nTotal number of frames: {:d}'
print(s.format(gv.number_of_moves, 3 * 8 + 1 + gv.number_of_pucks * (2 + gv.puck_resolution),
gv.number_of_moves * 3 * gv.number_of_steps))
iren.AddObserver('EndInteractionEvent', OrientationObserver(ren.active_camera))
# Render the image.
def verify_parameters(max_pucks):
number_of_pucks, number_of_steps, puck_resolution, configuration = get_program_parameters()
number_of_pucks = abs(number_of_pucks)
number_of_steps = abs(number_of_steps)
puck_resolution = abs(puck_resolution)
configuration = abs(configuration)
check = True
if number_of_pucks < 2:
print('Please use more pucks!')
check = False
if number_of_pucks > max_pucks:
print('Too many pucks specified! Maximum is', max_pucks)
check = False
if number_of_steps < 3:
print('Please use more steps!')
check = False
if configuration > 3:
print('0 >= configuration <= 3')
check = False
if check:
gv.update(number_of_pucks, number_of_steps, puck_resolution, configuration)
return check
def move_puck(peg1, peg2):
This routine is responsible for moving pucks from peg1 to peg2.
:param peg1: Initial peg.
:param peg2: Final peg.
gv.number_of_moves += 1
# Get the actor to move
moving_actor = peg_stack[peg1].pop()
# Get the distance to move up.
position = (0, (gv.peg_height - (gv.puck_height * (len(peg_stack[peg1]) - 1)) + gv.r_max) / gv.number_of_steps, 0)
for i in range(0, gv.number_of_steps):
# Get the distance to move across
distance = (peg2 - peg1) * gv.distance_between_pegs / gv.number_of_steps
flip_angle = 180.0 / gv.number_of_steps
for i in range(0, gv.number_of_steps):
moving_actor.AddPosition(distance, 0, 0)
if gv.number_of_moves == 13 and i == 3: # For making the book image.
if gv.configuration == 3 or gv.configuration == 2:
cam = ren_win.renderers.first_renderer.active_camera
camera1 = vtkCamera()
camera1.position = (54.7263, 41.6467, 44.125)
camera1.focal_point = (11.5603, -1.51931, 0.95899)
camera1.clipping_range = (42.4226, 115.659)
camera1.view_up = (0, 1, 0)
ren_win.renderers.first_renderer.active_camera = camera1
if gv.configuration == 3:
write_image('hanoi1.png', ren_win, rgba=False)
if gv.configuration == 2:
gv.got_figure2 = True
ren_win.renderers.first_renderer.active_camera = cam
if gv.got_figure2:
# Get the distance to move down.
position = (0, ((gv.puck_height * (len(peg_stack[peg2]) - 1)) - gv.peg_height - gv.r_max) / gv.number_of_steps, 0)
for i in range(0, gv.number_of_steps):
def tower_of_hanoi(n, peg1, peg2, peg3):
Tower of Hanoi.
:param n: Number of disks.
:param peg1: Source
:param peg2: Target
:param peg3: Helper
# If got_figure2 is true, we break out of the recursion.
if gv.got_figure2:
if n != 1:
tower_of_hanoi(n - 1, peg1, peg3, peg2)
if gv.got_figure2:
tower_of_hanoi(1, peg1, peg2, peg3)
tower_of_hanoi(n - 1, peg3, peg2, peg1)
move_puck(peg1, peg2)
class OrientationObserver:
def __init__(self, cam):
self.cam = cam
def __call__(self, caller, ev):
# Just do this to demonstrate who called callback and the event that triggered it.
print(caller.class_name, 'Event Id:', ev)
# Now print the camera orientation.
def camera_orientation(cam):
res = f'\tcamera = ren.active_camera\n'
res += f'\tcamera.position = ({", ".join(map("{0:0.6f}".format, cam.position))})\n'
res += f'\tcamera.focal_point = ({", ".join(map("{0:0.6f}".format, cam.focal_point))})\n'
res += f'\tcamera.view_up = ({", ".join(map("{0:0.6f}".format, cam.view_up))})\n'
res += f'\tcamera.distance = {"{0:0.6f}".format(cam.GetDistance())}\n'
res += f'\tcamera.clipping_range = ({", ".join(map("{0:0.6f}".format, cam.clipping_range))})\n'
def write_image(file_name, ren_window, rgba=True):
Write the render window view to an image file.
Image types supported are:
BMP, JPEG, PNM, PNG, PostScript, TIFF.
The default parameters are used for all writers, change as needed.
:param file_name: The file name, if no extension then PNG is assumed.
:param ren_window: The render window.
:param rgba: Used to set the buffer type.
if file_name:
valid_suffixes = ['.bmp', '.jpg', '.png', '.pnm', '.ps', '.tiff']
# Select the writer to use.
parent = Path(file_name).resolve().parent
path = Path(parent) / file_name
if path.suffix:
ext = path.suffix.lower()
ext = '.png'
path = Path(str(path)).with_suffix(ext)
if path.suffix not in valid_suffixes:
print(f'No writer for this file suffix: {ext}')
if ext == '.ps':
rgba = False
wtif = vtkWindowToImageFilter(input=ren_window, scale=1)
if rgba:
wtif.input_buffer_type = WindowToImageFilter.InputBufferType.VTK_RGBA
wtif.input_buffer_type = WindowToImageFilter.InputBufferType.VTK_RGB
# Do not read from the front buffer.
wtif.read_front_buffer = False
if ext == '.bmp':
writer = vtkBMPWriter(file_name=path)
elif ext == '.jpg':
writer = vtkJPEGWriter(file_name=path)
elif ext == '.pnm':
writer = vtkPNMWriter(file_name=path)
elif ext == '.ps':
writer = vtkPostScriptWriter(file_name=path)
elif ext == '.tiff':
writer = vtkTIFFWriter(file_name=path)
writer = vtkPNGWriter(file_name=path)
wtif >> writer
raise RuntimeError('Need a filename.')
class WindowToImageFilter:
class InputBufferType:
VTK_RGB: int = 3
VTK_RGBA: int = 4
VTK_ZBUFFER: int = 5
def main():
max_pucks = 20
if not verify_parameters(max_pucks):
if __name__ == '__main__':