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This script allows you to select examples whose classes are in language 1 but not in language 2.

Useful for ensuring that examples for missing classes will be added to language 2.

In order to do this, a JSON file listing the vtk examples by VTK class is obtained from the gh-pages branch of the vtk-examples GitHub site. When this script runs, it checks for the existence of this JSON file in your temporary folder, downloading it, if it doesn't exist. If it already exists, then it is updated if the file is more than ten minutes old.

When you run this script by specifying the Language (one of: CSharp, Cxx, Java, Python, PythonicAPI) for language 1 and language 2, a markdown file is created with the missing class in language 2 and a link to the relevant example(s) in language 1.


Options are also provided to force an overwrite of the downloaded the JSON file (-o) or to change the URL to the JSON file (-j)


If you have a question about this example, please use the VTK Discourse Forum


#!/usr/bin/env python3

import json
import os
import tempfile
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.error import HTTPError
from urllib.request import urlretrieve

def get_program_parameters():
    import argparse
    description = 'Classes in language 1 but not in language 2.'
    epilogue = '''
The JSON file needed by this script is obtained from the gh-pages branch
 of the vtk-examples GitHub site.
It is stored in your tempfile directory.
If you change the URL to the JSON file, remember that there is a ten minute
wait before you can overwrite the last downloaded file. To force the download
specify -o on the command line.

Here is the URL for an alternative site for testing:

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, epilog=epilogue,
    parser.add_argument('language1', help='The desired language, one of: CSharp, Cxx, Java, Python.')
    parser.add_argument('language2', help='The desired language, one of: CSharp, Cxx, Java, Python.')
    parser.add_argument('-j', '--json_xref_url',
                        help='The URL for the JSON cross-reference file.')
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--overwrite', action='store_true',
                        help='Force an initial download of the JSON cross-reference file.')
    parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', default=None,
                        help='The file name to write the markdown file too.')

    args = parser.parse_args()
    return args.language1, args.language2, args.json_xref_url, args.overwrite, args.file

def download_file(dl_path, dl_url, overwrite=False):
    Use the URL to get a file.

    :param dl_path: The path to download the file to.
    :param dl_url: The URL of the file.
    :param overwrite: If true, do a download even if the file exists.
    :return: The path to the file as a pathlib Path.
    file_name = dl_url.split('/')[-1]

    # Create necessary subdirectories in the dl_path
    # (if they don't exist).
    Path(dl_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    # Download if it doesn't exist in the directory overriding if overwrite is True.
    path = Path(dl_path, file_name)
    if not path.is_file() or overwrite:
            urlretrieve(dl_url, path)
        except HTTPError as e:
            raise RuntimeError(f'Failed to download {dl_url}. {e.reason}')
    return path

def get_examples(d, lang1, lang2):
    Classes/examples in lang1 but not in lang2.

    :param d: The dictionary.
    :param lang1: The first language e.g. Python.
    :param lang2: The second language e.g. PythonicAPI.
    :return: Classes/examples in lang1 but not in lang2.
    # Select all classes for each language.
    d1 = dict()
    d2 = dict()
    for k, v in d.items():
        for kk, vv in v.items():
            if lang1 == kk:
                d1[k] = vv
            if lang2 == kk:
                d2[k] = vv
    k1 = d1.keys()
    k2 = d2.keys()
    # Keys in k1 but not in k2.
    wanted_keys = k1 - k2

    # Get the corresponding examples in d1.

    def dict_filter(src_dict, wk):
        Create a dictionary from an existing dictionary
         using a set of wanted keys.

        :param src_dict: The source dictionary.
        :param wk: The wanted keys.
        :return: A dictionary with the wanted keys.
        return dict([(i, src_dict[i]) for i in src_dict if i in set(wk)])

    d12 = dict_filter(d1, wanted_keys)
    keys = sorted(d12.keys())
    res = list()
    res.append(f'### VTK Classes in {lang1} but not in {lang2}')
    number_of_examples = 0
    for k in keys:
        res.append(f'\n#### {k}\n')
        k1 = sorted(d12[k].keys())
        for kk1 in k1:
            res.append(f'  [{kk1}]({d12[k][kk1]})')
            number_of_examples += 1
    res.append(f'\nCount of VTK Classes :{len(wanted_keys):6}')
    res.append(f'             Examples:{number_of_examples:6}')
    return res

def get_crossref_dict(ref_dir, xref_url, overwrite=False):
    Download and return the json cross-reference file.

    This function ensures that the dictionary is recent.

    :param ref_dir: The directory where the file will be downloaded.
    :param xref_url: The URL for the JSON cross-reference file.
    :param overwrite: If true, do a download even if the file exists.
    :return: The dictionary cross-referencing vtk classes to examples.
    path = download_file(ref_dir, xref_url, overwrite=overwrite)
    if not path.is_file():
        print(f'The path: {str(path)} does not exist.')
        return None
    dt = - os.path.getmtime(path)
    # Force a new download if the time difference is > 10 minutes.
    if dt > 600:
        path = download_file(ref_dir, xref_url, overwrite=True)
    with open(path) as json_file:
        return json.load(json_file)

def main():
    language1, language2, xref_url, overwrite, file_name = get_program_parameters()
    language1 = language1.lower()
    available_languages = {k.lower(): k for k in ['CSharp', 'Cxx', 'Java', 'Python', 'PythonicAPI']}
    available_languages.update({'cpp': 'Cxx', 'c++': 'Cxx', 'c#': 'CSharp'})
    if language1 not in available_languages:
        print(f'The language: {language1} is not available.')
        tmp = ', '.join(sorted([lang for lang in set(available_languages.values())]))
        print(f'Choose one of these: {tmp}.')
        language1 = available_languages[language1]
    language2 = language2.lower()
    if language2 not in available_languages:
        print(f'The language: {language2} is not available.')
        tmp = ', '.join(sorted([lang for lang in set(available_languages.values())]))
        print(f'Choose one of these: {tmp}.')
        language2 = available_languages[language2]
    xref_dict = get_crossref_dict(tempfile.gettempdir(), xref_url, overwrite)
    if xref_dict is None:
        print('The dictionary cross-referencing vtk classes to examples was not downloaded.')

    res = get_examples(xref_dict, language1, language2)
    if res:
        if file_name:
            fn = Path(file_name).with_suffix('.md')
            if fn.is_file():
                print(f'Cannot overwrite {fn}, please select a new file name.')

if __name__ == '__main__':