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Get viewport positioning information for a list of names. If there is more than one name in the list of names, it may be best to use a monospaced typeface for the text, e.g. Courier.

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# from dataclasses import dataclass
# from vtkmodules.vtkRenderingCore import vtkTextProperty

def get_text_positions(names, justification=0, vertical_justification=0, width=0.96, height=0.1):
    Get viewport positioning information for a list of names.

    :param names: The list of names.
    :param justification: Horizontal justification of the text, default is left.
    :param vertical_justification: Vertical justification of the text, default is bottom.
    :param width: Width of the bounding_box of the text in screen coordinates.
    :param height: Height of the bounding_box of the text in screen coordinates.
    :return: A list of positioning information.
    # The gap between the left or right edge of the screen and the text.
    dx = 0.02
    width = abs(width)
    if width > 0.96:
        width = 0.96

    y0 = 0.01
    height = abs(height)
    if height > 0.9:
        height = 0.9
    dy = height
    if vertical_justification == TextProperty.VerticalJustification.VTK_TEXT_TOP:
        y0 = 1.0 - (dy + y0)
        dy = height
    if vertical_justification == TextProperty.VerticalJustification.VTK_TEXT_CENTERED:
        y0 = 0.5 - (dy / 2.0 + y0)
        dy = height

    name_len_min = 0
    name_len_max = 0
    first = True
    for k in names:
        sz = len(k)
        if first:
            name_len_min = name_len_max = sz
            first = False
            name_len_min = min(name_len_min, sz)
            name_len_max = max(name_len_max, sz)
    text_positions = dict()
    for k in names:
        sz = len(k)
        delta_sz = width * sz / name_len_max
        if delta_sz > width:
            delta_sz = width

        if justification == TextProperty.Justification.VTK_TEXT_CENTERED:
            x0 = 0.5 - delta_sz / 2.0
        elif justification == TextProperty.Justification.VTK_TEXT_RIGHT:
            x0 = 1.0 - dx - delta_sz
            # Default is left justification.
            x0 = dx

        # For debugging!
        # print(
        #     f'{k:16s}: (x0, y0) = ({x0:3.2f}, {y0:3.2f}), (x1, y1) = ({x0 + delta_sz:3.2f}, {y0 + dy:3.2f})'
        #     f', width={delta_sz:3.2f}, height={dy:3.2f}')
        text_positions[k] = {'p': [x0, y0, 0], 'p2': [delta_sz, dy, 0]}

    return text_positions

class TextProperty:
    class Justification:
        VTK_TEXT_LEFT: int = 0
        VTK_TEXT_CENTERED: int = 1
        VTK_TEXT_RIGHT: int = 2

    class VerticalJustification:
        VTK_TEXT_BOTTOM: int = 0
        VTK_TEXT_CENTERED: int = 1
        VTK_TEXT_TOP: int = 2


    text_positions = get_text_positions(names, justification=TextProperty.Justification.VTK_TEXT_CENTERED)