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Draw a border around a renderer's viewport.

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# from dataclasses import dataclass
# from vtkmodules.vtkCommonCore import vtkPoints
# from vtkmodules.vtkCommonDataModel import vtkCellArray, vtkPolyData, vtkPolyLine
# from vtkmodules.vtkFiltersCore import vtkAppendPolyData
# from vtkmodules.vtkRenderingCore import vtkActor2D, vtkPolyDataMapper2D, vtkRenderer
# from vtkmodules.vtkRenderingCore import vtkCoordinate

def draw_viewport_border(renderer, border, color=(0, 0, 0), line_width=2):
    Draw a border around the viewport of a renderer.

    :param renderer: The renderer.
    :param border: The border to draw, it must be one of the constants in ViewPort.Border.
    :param color: The color.
    :param line_width: The line width of the border.

    def generate_border_lines(border_type):
        Generate the lines for the border.

        :param border_type:  The border type to draw, it must be one of the constants in ViewPort.Border
        :return: The points and lines.
        if border_type >= ViewPort.Border.NUMBER_OF_BORDER_TYPES:
            print('Not a valid border type.')
            return None

        # Points start at upper right and proceed anti-clockwise.
        pts = (
            (1, 1, 0),
            (0, 1, 0),
            (0, 0, 0),
            (1, 0, 0),
            (1, 1, 0),
        pt_orders = {
            ViewPort.Border.TOP: (0, 1),
            ViewPort.Border.LEFT: (1, 2),
            ViewPort.Border.BOTTOM: (2, 3),
            ViewPort.Border.RIGHT: (3, 4),
            ViewPort.Border.LEFT_BOTTOM: (1, 2, 3),
            ViewPort.Border.BOTTOM_RIGHT: (2, 3, 4),
            ViewPort.Border.RIGHT_TOP: (3, 4, 1),
            ViewPort.Border.RIGHT_TOP_LEFT: (3, 4, 1, 2),
            ViewPort.Border.TOP_LEFT: (0, 1, 2),
            ViewPort.Border.TOP_LEFT_BOTTOM: (0, 1, 2, 3),
            ViewPort.Border.TOP_LEFT_BOTTOM_RIGHT: (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
        pt_order = pt_orders[border_type]
        number_of_points = len(pt_order)
        points = vtkPoints(number_of_points=number_of_points)
        i = 0
        for pt_id in pt_order:
            points.InsertPoint(i, *pts[pt_id])
            i += 1

        lines = vtkPolyLine()
        lines.point_ids.number_of_ids = number_of_points
        for i in range(0, number_of_points):
   = (i, i)

        cells = vtkCellArray()

        # Make the polydata and return.
        return vtkPolyData(points=points, lines=cells)

    # Use normalized viewport coordinates since
    # they are independent of window size.
    coordinate = vtkCoordinate()
    poly = vtkAppendPolyData()
    if border == ViewPort.Border.TOP_BOTTOM:
        ) >> poly
    elif border == ViewPort.Border.LEFT_RIGHT:
        ) >> poly
        generate_border_lines(border) >> poly

    mapper = vtkPolyDataMapper2D(transform_coordinate=coordinate)
    poly >> mapper
    actor = vtkActor2D(mapper=mapper) = color
    # Line width should be at least 2 to be visible at the extremes. = line_width


class ViewPort:
    class Border:
        TOP: int = 0
        LEFT: int = 1
        BOTTOM: int = 2
        RIGHT: int = 3
        LEFT_BOTTOM: int = 4
        BOTTOM_RIGHT: int = 5
        RIGHT_TOP: int = 6
        RIGHT_TOP_LEFT: int = 7
        TOP_LEFT: int = 8
        TOP_LEFT_BOTTOM: int = 9
        TOP_LEFT_BOTTOM_RIGHT: int = 10
        TOP_BOTTOM: int = 11
        LEFT_RIGHT: int = 12
        NUMBER_OF_BORDER_TYPES: int = 13


    draw_viewport_border(renderer, border=border, color=colors.GetColor3d('Yellow'), line_width=4)