Repository source: CellTreeLocator
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See (Cxx)
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
from vtkmodules.vtkCommonCore import reference
from vtkmodules.vtkCommonDataModel import (
from vtkmodules.vtkFiltersSources import vtkSphereSource
def main():
sphere0 = vtkSphereSource(center=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), radius=1.0)
# Create the cell locator tree.
cell_tree = vtkCellTreeLocator(data_set=sphere0.output, automatic=True)
# These two points should not be on the sphere.
test_inside = (0.5, 0.0, 0.0)
test_outside = (10.0, 0.0, 0.0)
passed = True
pcoords = [0] * 3
weights = [0] * 3
tol = 0.0
cell = vtkGenericCell()
# A point on the sphere.
source_pt = [0.0] * 3
sphere0.output.GetPoint(0, source_pt)
cell_id = cell_tree.FindCell(source_pt, tol, cell, pcoords, weights)
if cell_id >= 0:
print(f'Point 0 on the sphere is in cell {cell_id}.')
# Find the midpoint in the cell and check if it is in the same cell.
bounds = cell.bounds
mid_pt = list()
for i in range(0, 6, 2):
mid_pt.append(bounds[i] + (bounds[i + 1] - bounds[i]) / 2.0)
cell_id_mid_pt = cell_tree.FindCell(mid_pt, tol, cell, pcoords, weights)
if cell_id_mid_pt != cell_id:
print('ERROR: The cell midpoint should be in the same cell.')
passed = False
print('ERROR: The cell corresponding to point 0 on the sphere was not found but should have been.')
passed = False
# Should be inside the sphere.
cell_id = cell_tree.FindCell(test_inside, tol, cell, pcoords, weights)
if cell_id >= 0:
print(f'ERROR: test_inside point is in cell {cell_id} of the sphere but it should not be in the cell.')
passed = False
print('test_inside point is inside the sphere.')
# Should be outside the sphere.
cell_id = cell_tree.FindCell(test_outside, tol, cell, pcoords, weights)
if cell_id >= 0:
print(f'ERROR: test_outside point is in cell {cell_id} of the sphere but it should not be in the cell.')
passed = False
print('test_outside point is outside the sphere.')
number_of_points = sphere0.output.number_of_points
count_of_points = 0
for i in range(0, number_of_points):
source_pt = sphere0.output.GetPoint(i)
cell_id = cell_tree.FindCell(source_pt, tol, cell, pcoords, weights)
if cell_id:
count_of_points += 1
if count_of_points != number_of_points:
num_missed = number_of_points - count_of_points
print(f'ERROR: {num_missed} points should have been on the sphere!')
passed = False
print(f'Passed: A total of {count_of_points} points on the sphere were detected.')
# This is based on [CellTreeLocator](https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk/-/blob/master/Common/DataModel/Testing/Cxx/CellTreeLocator.cxx)
# Kuhnan's sample code is used to test
# vtkCellLocator::IntersectWithLine(...9 params...)
# sphere1: The outer sphere.
sphere1 = vtkSphereSource(theta_resolution=100, phi_resolution=100, radius=1.0)
# sphere2: The inner sphere.
sphere2 = vtkSphereSource(theta_resolution=100, phi_resolution=100, radius=0.8)
# The normals obtained from the outer sphere.
sphere_normals = sphere1.output.GetPointData().GetNormals()
# Create the cell locator tree.
locator = vtkCellTreeLocator(data_set=sphere2.output, automatic=True)
# Initialise the counter and ray length.
num_intersected = 0
destin_pnt = [0] * 3
tol = 0.0000001
ray_len = 1.0 - 0.8 + tol # = 1 - 0.8 + error tolerance
param_t = reference(0.0)
intersect = [0] * 3
para_coord = [0] * 3
sub_id = reference(0)
cell_id = reference(0)
# This loop traverses each point on the outer sphere (sphere1)
# and looks for an intersection on the inner sphere (sphere2).
for i in range(0, sphere1.output.number_of_points):
source_pnt = sphere1.output.GetPoint(i)
normal_vec = sphere_normals.GetTuple(i)
# Cast a ray in the negative direction toward sphere1.
destin_pnt[0] = source_pnt[0] - ray_len * normal_vec[0]
destin_pnt[1] = source_pnt[1] - ray_len * normal_vec[1]
destin_pnt[2] = source_pnt[2] - ray_len * normal_vec[2]
if locator.IntersectWithLine(source_pnt, destin_pnt, tol, param_t, intersect, para_coord, sub_id, cell_id,
num_intersected += 1
if num_intersected != 9802:
num_missed = 9802 - num_intersected
print(f'ERROR: {num_missed} ray-sphere intersections missed!')
passed = False
print('Passed: A total of 9802 ray-sphere intersections detected.')
if passed:
print('All checks passed.')
print('Some checks failed.')
if __name__ == '__main__':