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Use this to generate a series of import statements for your Python code.

The imports are generated using the VTK modules, along with the VTK classes and constants in your Python source file(s). For older versions of VTK, modules.json is required, this is found in your VTK build directory.

When this script is run against your code, a series of from ... import statements are generated, based on the classes you have used. The result will be output to the console, or, alternatively to a text file with extension .txt. The first line is the program name and subsequent lines are the import statements.

At the end of the list there is a series of commented out statements consisting of imports that you may need to enable. Only enable the ones you really need and include the statement # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences for PyCharm users, as this will prevent the statement from being removed.

e.g The most common ones will be:

    # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
    import vtkmodules.vtkInteractionStyle
    # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
    import vtkmodules.vtkRenderingOpenGL2

Make sure that any of these statements are placed after the last from ... import ... statement. Also remove any unused ones.

As an example, if you have used import vtk, you can replace it with with these statements. This means that only the relevant VTK modules are loaded when the Python program runs.

Of course after adding these statements you may need to edit your code e.g. changing x = vtk.vtkSomeClass() to x = vtkSomeClass().


If you have a question about this example, please use the VTK Discourse Forum


#!/usr/bin/env python

import collections
import importlib
import json
import re
from pathlib import Path

from vtkmodules.vtkCommonCore import vtkVersion

def get_program_parameters(argv):
    import argparse
    description = 'Generate import statements for the VTK classes in your Python code.'
    epilogue = '''
The output will contain program name(s) followed by the import statements.
You can specify a folder for the Python sources or paths to several sources.

Note: If there are spaces in the paths, enclose the path in quotes.
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, epilog=epilogue,
    parser.add_argument('-j', '--json',
                        help='The path to the VTK JSON file (modules.json).')
    parser.add_argument('sources', nargs='+', help='The path to a folder of Python files or to a Python file.')
    parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', help='The file name to write the output too.')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    return args.json, args.sources, args.file

class Patterns:
    vtk_patterns = [
        # Class pattern.
        # Constants pattern.
        # Special patterns ...
        # Handle vtkClass.yyy
        # Handle class xx(vtkClass):
        re.compile(r'\( ?(vtk[a-zA-Z0-9]+) ?\)'),
    skip_patterns = [
        # Empty lines
        re.compile(r'^ *$'),
        # import ...
        re.compile(r'^ *import'),
        # from ... import ...
        re.compile(r'^ *from[ \S]+import'),
        # Any vtk class on its own
        re.compile(r'^ *vtk[a-zA-Z0-9]+,*$'),
        # Single closing bracket
        re.compile(r'^ *\)+$'),

def get_available_modules(jpath):
    From the parsed JSON data file make a list of the VTK modules.

    :param jpath: The JSON file path.
    :return: VTK Classes and modules.
    with open(jpath) as data_file:
        json_data = json.load(data_file)

    res = list()
    for k in json_data['modules'].keys():
        m = k.split('::')
        if len(m) > 1:
    return sorted(res)

def get_classes_constants(paths):
    Extract the vtk class names and constants from the path.

    :param paths: The path(s) to the Python file(s).
    :return: The file name, the VTK classes and any VTK constants.

    res = collections.defaultdict(set)
    for path in paths:
        content = path.read_text().split('\n')
        for line in content:
            for pattern in Patterns.skip_patterns:
                m =
                if m:
            for pattern in Patterns.vtk_patterns:
                m =
                if m:
                    for g in m.groups():
    return res

def format_imports(imports):
    name_keys = sorted(imports.keys())
    res = list()
    for name in name_keys:
        module_keys = sorted(imports[name].keys())
        for module in module_keys:
            classes = sorted(list(imports[name][module]))
            if len(classes) == 1:
                res.append(f'from vtkmodules.{module} import {classes[0]}')
                c_list = list()
                for c in classes:
                    c_list.append(f'    {c}')
                s = '(\n'
                s += ',\n'.join(c_list)
                s += '\n    )'
                res.append(f'from vtkmodules.{module} import {s}')
        additional_modules = ['vtkInteractionStyle', 'vtkRenderingFreeType',
                              'vtkRenderingContextOpenGL2', 'vtkRenderingOpenGL2', 'vtkRenderingVolumeOpenGL2',
        comments = [
            '# You may need to uncomment one or more of the following imports.',
            '# If vtkRenderWindow is used and you want to use OpenGL,',
            '#   you also need the vtkRenderingOpenGL2 module.',
            '# If vtkRenderWindowInteractor is used, uncomment vtkInteractionStyle',
            '# If text rendering is used, uncomment vtkRenderingFreeType.',
            '# If using PyCharm, preface each one you select with this line:',
            '# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences',
        res += comments
        for module in sorted(additional_modules):
            res.append(f'# import vtkmodules.{module}')
    return res

def main(json_path, src_paths, ofn):
    use_json = not vtk_version_ok(9, 0, 20210918)
    if use_json:
        if not json_path:
            print('modules.json (from your VTK build directory) is needed.')
        jpath = Path(json_path)
        if jpath.is_dir():
            jpath = jpath / 'modules.json'
        if not jpath.is_file():
            print(f'Non existent JSON file: {jpath}')
        jpath = None

    paths = list()
    for fn in src_paths:
        path = Path(fn)
        if path.is_file() and path.suffix == '.py':
        elif path.is_dir():
            path_list = list(Path(fn).rglob('*.py'))
            program_path = Path(__file__)
            for path in path_list:
                if path.resolve() != program_path.resolve():
            print(f'Non existent path: {path}')

    classes_constants = get_classes_constants(paths)
    if not classes_constants:
        print('No classes or constants were present.')

    if use_json:
        vtk_modules = get_available_modules(jpath)
        vtklib = importlib.__import__('vtkmodules')
        vtk_modules = sorted(vtklib.__all__)

    name_to_module = dict()
    for module in vtk_modules:
            module_dict = importlib.import_module('vtkmodules.' + module).__dict__
            for name in module_dict:
                name_to_module[name] = module
        except ModuleNotFoundError:
            # print(module, ' not found.')

    imports = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(set))
    for name, classes_constants in classes_constants.items():
        for vtk_class in classes_constants:
            if vtk_class in name_to_module:
                module = name_to_module[vtk_class]

    res = format_imports(imports)
    if ofn:
        path = Path(ofn)
        if path.suffix == '':
            path = Path(ofn).with_suffix('.txt')

def vtk_version_ok(major, minor, build):
    Check the VTK version.

    :param major: Requested major version.
    :param minor: Requested minor version.
    :param build: Requested build version.
    :return: True if the requested VTK version is >= the actual VTK version.
    requested_version = (100 * int(major) + int(minor)) * 100000000 + int(build)
    ver = vtkVersion()
    actual_version = (100 * ver.GetVTKMajorVersion() + ver.GetVTKMinorVersion()) \
                     * 100000000 + ver.GetVTKBuildVersion()
    if actual_version >= requested_version:
        return True
        return False

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys

    json_path, src_paths, ofn = get_program_parameters(sys.argv)
    main(json_path, src_paths, ofn)