Given a color, find a contrasting color. If the given color is "light", use the lightColor otherwise use the darkColor.
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Declaration Section¶
#include <vtkNamedColors.h>
#include <vtkMath.h>
// Given a color, find a contrasting color. If the given color is "light",
// use the lightColor otherwise use the darkColor
void ChooseContrastingColor(double *rgbIn,
double *rgbOut,
const double threshold = .5,
const std::string lightColor = "white",
const std::string darkColor = "black");
Implementation Section¶
void ChooseContrastingColor(double *rgbIn,
double *rgbOut,
const double threshold,
const std::string lightColor,
const std::string darkColor)
auto colors = vtkSmartPointer<vtkNamedColors>::New();
double hsv[3];
// If the value is <= threshold, use a light color, otherwise use a dark color
vtkMath::RGBToHSV(rgbIn, hsv);
if (hsv[2] <= threshold)
colors->GetColor(lightColor.c_str(), rgbOut[0], rgbOut[1], rgbOut[2]);
colors->GetColor(darkColor.c_str(), rgbOut[0], rgbOut[1], rgbOut[2]);
} // namespace