Repository source: LUFactorization
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#include <vtkMath.h>
namespace {
template <class TReal> TReal** create_matrix(long nrow, long ncol)
typedef TReal* TRealPointer;
TReal** m = new TRealPointer[nrow];
TReal* block = static_cast<TReal*>(calloc(nrow * ncol, sizeof(TReal)));
m[0] = block;
for (int row = 1; row < nrow; ++row)
m[row] = &block[row * ncol];
return m;
/* free a TReal matrix allocated with matrix() */
template <class TReal> void free_matrix(TReal** m)
delete[] m;
void OutputMatrix(double** a)
std::cout << "[ " << a[0][0] << " " << a[0][1] << std::endl;
std::cout << " " << a[1][0] << " " << a[1][1] << " ]" << std::endl;
} // namespace
int main(int, char*[])
// Create and populate matrix
int n = 2;
double** a = create_matrix<double>(n, n);
a[0][0] = 4;
a[0][1] = 3;
a[1][0] = 6;
a[1][1] = 3;
//[4 3; 6 3] should decompose to [1 0; 1.5 1] * [4 3; 0 -1.5]
std::cout << "a" << std::endl;
// These values do not seem to change the result?
int pivotIndices[2] = {0, 0};
// Decompose matrix A into LU form
vtkMath::LUFactorLinearSystem(a, pivotIndices, n);
std::cout << "A decomposed into (unit lower triangular) L and U:"
<< std::endl;
/* The resulting matrix,
[6 3]
[.66667 1]
is a superposition of L and U, with L being a unit lower triangular matrix.
That is, ones on the diagonal, zeros in the upper right triangle, and values
in the lower left triangle.
The diagonal of the resulting A is the diagonal of U. The upper right triangle
of A is the upper right triangle of U. The lower left triangle of A is the
lower left triangle of L (and remember, the diagonal of L is all 1's).
To show that the resulting interpretation of the output matrix A is correct,
we form the matrices following the description above and show that they
multiply to the original A matrix. octave:9> [1 0; .666667 1] * [6 3; 0 1] ans
6.0000 3.0000
4.0000 3.0000
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12 FATAL_ERROR)
find_package(VTK COMPONENTS
message(FATAL_ERROR "LUFactorization: Unable to find the VTK build folder.")
# Prevent a "command line is too long" failure in Windows.
set(CMAKE_NINJA_FORCE_RESPONSE_FILE "ON" CACHE BOOL "Force Ninja to use response files.")
add_executable(LUFactorization MACOSX_BUNDLE LUFactorization.cxx )
target_link_libraries(LUFactorization PRIVATE ${VTK_LIBRARIES}
# vtk_module_autoinit is needed
TARGETS LUFactorization
Download and Build LUFactorization¶
Click here to download LUFactorization and its CMakeLists.txt file. Once the tarball LUFactorization.tar has been downloaded and extracted,
cd LUFactorization/build
If VTK is installed:
cmake ..
If VTK is not installed but compiled on your system, you will need to specify the path to your VTK build:
cmake -DVTK_DIR:PATH=/home/me/vtk_build ..
Build the project:
and run it:
Be sure to add the VTK bin directory to your path. This will resolve the VTK dll's at run time.